• Capsule Reviews


October 31, 2023
• < 1 minute read

by Jackson Court

Alex Timbers, Josh Gad, and Andrew Rannells equal a non-stop night of laughs. A parody of the writing and producing process, Gutenberg! follows the one-night-only presentation of Gutenberg the Musical, written by and starring Bud (Josh Gad) and Doug (Andrew Rannells). The two present their larger-than-life musical idea to an audience full of “Broadway Producers,” but having spent all their budget on the theater, the two must play every character, alternating between literal hats labeled with character names. This gleefully self-aware comedy hits the mark, showcasing the unmatched chemistry between Gad and Rannells. 

Gutenberg! The Musical! Is playing through January 28th, 2024, at the James Earl Jones Theatre.